Where is CE Solutions Accredited and Accepted?
EMS Accreditation
Fire Accreditation
CE Solutions Fire continuing education courses are approved by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) and accepted by any state that accepts continuing education approved by another State’s Division of Fire.
National Registry
Rocca V. Morando Building
6610 Busch Blvd.
PO Box 29233
Columbus, Ohio 43229
(614) 888-4484
CE Solutions is an NREMT accepted CE provider and has been since 1998. The NREMT accepts continuing education that is State or CAPCE approved. CE Solutions is State approved and accredited by multiple State EMS Divisions including Texas Department of State Health Services CE Provider #101129 and The California Emergency Medical Services Authority CE Provider #94-4601.
Alabama Dept. of Public Health Emergency Medical Services
RSA Tower Suite 750
201 Monroe Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-3017
(334) 206-5383
Alabama accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Section on Community Health & EMS
PO Box 110616
Juneau, AK 99811-0616
(907)465-4101 (FAX)
Alaska accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The total number of hours which may be applied towards EMT-I, EMT-II, or EMT-III recertification is limited to 24 hours per two year certification period and there is no limit for MICP.
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 North 18th Avenue Phoenix
Arizona 85007
Arizona certified EMT-Is and EMT-Ps may obtain continuing education through CE Solutions with the approval from your medical director. EMT-Bs must have a current NREMT-Basic registration or complete an Arizona EMT-B refresher.
Emergency Medical Services
5800 West 10th Street
Suite 800 Little Rock
AR 72204
501-661-2262 Fax 501-280-4901
Arkansas accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and you may obtain 12 hours during each 2 year recertification period CE through CE Solutions.
10901 Gold Center Drive, Suite 400
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6073
Phone: (916) 322-4336
California accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and CE Solutions is a California CE Provider #94-4601. You may obtain your continuing education and recertify using CE Solutions.
CE Solutions provides access to an instructor for California members 24/7 via email, telephone, instant messenger and fax to answer questions, provide clarification, provide feedback, address concerns, etc and is classified as instructor based continuing education.
Note that some counties in California only accept 8 CEUs per day. It is your responsibility to determine how many hours you are actually allowed per day.
Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment
EMS Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive, South
Denver, CO 80222-1530
Colorado EMTs have the option to renew their licenses with a current NREMT registration. Please read the National Registry information above.
Continuing education hours can be earned online if recognized by the local education center. Please check with your local education agency to see if they will accept CEU from an out of state CE Provider that is accredited by another State Office of EMS.
DPH-Office of EMS
410 Capitol Avenue
PO box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
In order to receive credit in Connecticut, courses must be approved by each sponsoring hospital’s Clinical Coordinator and must be administered within the state by a state-approved instructor. If you’d like to obtain continuing education from CE Solutions, contact your clinical coordinator.
Office of EMS
Blue Hen Corporate Center
Suite 4H
655 Bay Road
Dover, DE 19901
Delaware accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program.
District of Columbia
Office of Emergency Health & Medical Services
1923 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington DC 20001
(202) 673-3320 Fax: (202) 462-0807
CE Solutions is accepted in DC, which follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C18
Tallahassee, FL 32311-1738
Florida requires approval of continuing education by each district’s Medical Director. You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions with the approval from your medical director.
Georgia Office of Emergency Medical Services
2600 Skyland Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30319
In Georgia, continuing education must be approved by the Georgia office of EMS, a regional Medical Director, or an Ambulance Service Medical Director or by CECBEMS / CAPCE.
The local Medical Director may approve continuing education only for personnel affiliated with the service for which he/she is responsible. If approved by the local Medical Director, then a description of the training shall be filed with the regional EMS Coordinator prior to the beginning of the continuing education activity on a form provided by the Georgia office of EMS.
Georgia Board of EMS will also accept all courses approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE. If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it must be approved by your medical director or by a Georgia EMS program staff. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
Dept of EMS
Kapi’olani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816-4496
Hawaii accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of Hawaii follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Provider Resource Coordinator
Emergency Medical Services
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0036
Idaho accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program.
Illinois Dept of Public Health
Division of EMS
525 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, IL 62761
Illinois accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions with the approval of your EMS System or Resource Hospital. Please note that your system or resource hospital may require that up to 25% of your CEUs be earned through attendance at system-taught courses and no more than 25% of your CEUs may be in the same subject.
State Emergency Management Agency
Room E239 – IGCS
302 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Indiana accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and accepts distance education. Online continuing education courses are not endorsed by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, but may be used for continuing education with approval from your training officer or supervising hospital.
Iowa Dept. of Public Health-Bureau of EMS
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Iowa requires that 50% of your continuing education be formal hours. Internet-delivered courses which are CECBEMS / CAPCE approved, designated for your level and address at least one of the following topics are considered formal hours:
- Airway Management
- Patient Assessment
- Trauma, Medical, Behavioral Emergencies
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Patient Care Record Documentation
Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
The other 50% of your continuing education is considered “Optional Hours” which do not have to be CECBEMS / CAPCE approved and can be approved by your Medical Director, or a community sponsor. You may obtain your “optional” continuing education from CE Solutions with approval from your medical director.
Kansas Board of EMS
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson Street Suite 1031
Topeka, KS 66612
Kansas accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program.
Courses are accepted according to Kansas Administrative Regulations 109-5-1-3 programs or courses approved by another State’s EMS regulatory or accrediting body, which shall be presumptively accepted by the board unless the board determines that a particular program does not meet board requirements.
CE Solutions is accredited by other State EMS agencies, therefore is accepted by The Kansas Bureau of EMS.
EMS Branch
Health Services Building
275 Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
Kentucky accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. On-line or distance education, shall not to exceed fifty (50) percent of the total required continuing education as established by the board.
Reference Link Item 9
Reference Link Item 11
Emergency Medical Services
11224 Boardwalk Drive
Suite A-1
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
(225) 275-1764
Louisiana accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of Louisiana follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Maine EMS
45 Commerce Drive Suite 1
152 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0152
Maine accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. Maine EMS grants CEH for programs offered through professional journals, audio and visual media, teleconferencing, and the Internet. To receive approval, the applicant must submit forms required by Maine EMS Rules (see Ch. 8, §2). Credit for these programs will not appear on the Maine EMS web site. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit copies of program certificates with their renewal application.
If a class is approved by another state for EMS credit, Maine will accept the credits on an hour for hour basis. Submit proof of completion and the state approval number with your renewal application. It will not show in renewal hours online.
Education & Certification
653 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Maryland EMS requires that all correspondence continuing education be approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it is not acceptable for Maryland certification renewal. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses therefore, is not accepted in Maryland.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
99 Chauncy Street, 11th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Massachusetts has adopted the new NREMT Continued Competency Program as the recertification standard and requires that all continuing education be approved by the Mass OEMS or by CECBEMS / CAPCE to be accepted. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses and beginning in 2016 will not be accepted by Mass OEMS.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of EMS Trauma and Preparedness
P.O. Box 30207
Lansing, MI 48909
Effective May 17, 2020, all EMS continuing education must be approved as a Michigan approved course or approved by CAPCE. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CAPCE courses and will not be accepted by MDHHS after May 17, 2020.
Office of EMS
2829 University Avenue Southeast
Suite 310
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3222
For state CE credits, continuing education must be approved by each district’s medical director. The State of Minnesota follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Mississippi DEMS
PO Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Mississippi accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of Mississippi follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Missouri Dept of Health, Bureau of EMS
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Missouri accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. Courses are accepted for continuing education credit in Missouri based on their approval by other state EMS agencies, per Missouri rule 19CSR 30-40.331, Section 4G. Accreditation of continuing education by appropriate recognized national accrediting bodies and other state EMS agencies shall constitute approval under the EMS Bureau rules. CE Solutions is accredited by other State EMS agencies, therefore we are accepted by The Missouri Dept of Health, Bureau of EMS.
Core courses must comply with DOT guidelines. Missouri has a 5-year re-certification period, during which you are required to complete 100 hours for EMT-B of CE, 48 core and 52 elective; or 144 hours for EMT-P 96 core, 48 elective. You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions.
Missouri prefers that you submit the history page instead of sending individual certificates, however it is important to print and save your certificates in case of an audit.
Montana Board of Medical Examiners
301 South Park, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 200513
Helena, MT 59620-0513
(406) 841-2202
All levels of licensed ECPs are required to complete board-specified continuing education requirements prior to their expiration date and a formal refresher course in which an individual or organization validates knowledge and skills. All continuing educational requirements can be met by being currently registered and in good standing by the NREMT. Endorsement continuing education requirements and continued competence is the responsibility of the medical director.
Montana accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of Montana follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Nebraska Dept of Health, EMS Division
PO Box 95007
Lincoln, NE 68509-5007
Nebraska Dept of Health requires that all distributive learning continuing education be approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it is not acceptable for Nebraska certification renewal. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
Click Here for a detailed list of how many CEUs are required and how many of those CEUs can be in the form of distributive education.
Emergency Medical Services Office
Nevada State Health Division
4150 Technology Way
Suite 101
Carson City, Nevada 89706
The State of Nevada requires that all correspondence continuing education must be approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it is not acceptable for Nevada certification renewal. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses therefore, is not accepted in Nevada.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Safety
Division of Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Richard M. Flynn Fire Academy
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03305
(603) 223-4200
The State of New Hampshire follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
EMS – CN 367
P.O. Box 360 Trenton
NJ 08625-0360
For NJ EMT-Ps The State of New Jersey follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Beginning January 2017, CE Solutions will no longer offer CEUs for NJ EMTs and will no longer submit monthly reports to the State of New Jersey.
New Mexico
New Mexico EMS Bureau
PO Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110
Joyce Bradley
New Mexico requires that all correspondence continuing education must be approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it is not acceptable for New Mexico certification renewal. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses therefore, is not accepted in New Mexico.
New York
NYS DOH Bureau of EMS
875 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
If you are recertifying for the state of New York, we advise you to contact the state.
North Carolina
North Carolina Office of EMS
Attn: Todd Messer
2707 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2707
(919) 855-3839
North Carolina accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and accepts all continuing education that is accredited by any State Office of EMS.
North Carolina State OEMS only recertifies a portion of the state EMS personnel and accredited training entities such as large departments, hospitals, colleges, etc recertify the remaining personnel. If you are affiliated with an accredited institution you will need the approval from your institution to obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions.
If you are not affiliated with an accredited institution and recertify through the state, you may use CE Solutions to obtain your CEUs on the grounds that North Carolina State OEMS accepts all continuing education that is accredited by any State Office of EMS and CE Solutions is accredited by multiple State EMS Offices.
North Dakota
North Dakota State Health Department
Division of Emergency Health Services
600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
The North Dakota Division of EMS (DEMST) has adopted the new NREMT Continued Competency Program as the recertification standard which changes the recertification requirements for North Dakota Nationally Registered EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs and Paramedics.
Click Here to learn more about the new continuing education requirements for the North Dakota Pilot NREMT Continued Competency Program.
Thirty three percent of the total hours may be obtained through distributive learning (EMR = 5hrs; EMT = 13; AEMT = 16.5; Paramedic = 20)
Department of Public Safety
Division of EMS
1970 West Broad Street
PO Box 182073
Columbus, OH 43218-2073
Ohio accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and accepts all continuing education that is accredited by any State Office of EMS.
Ohio Firefighters are required to have 54 hours of CE per 3 year certification cycle; this CE must be approved by an Ohio Fire Chief or program director of a chartered fire training program. You may contact the State of Ohio at 800-233-0785 for additional information. Please visit this page for additional information:
Oklahoma State Dept. of Health
EMS Division, Room 1104
1000 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
The State of Oklahoma follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
DHS, EMS & Trauma Systems
800 NE Oregon St, Suite 465
Portland, OR 97232
Oregon EMS Office accepts continuing education that is approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
If necessary, you may complete up to 50% of your required continuing education using courses that are not approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE.
Pennsylvania Dept of Health
PO Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
CE Solutions is not accepted in the state of Pennsylvania at this time.
Rhode Island
Emergency Medical Services
404 Cannon Building
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Rhode Island accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of Rhode Island follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
South Carolina
Division of Emergency Medical Services
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Don Whitely
The State of South Carolina follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
South Dakota
Office of Emergency Medical Services
600 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
South Dakota accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. The State of South Dakota follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Emergency Medical Services
First Floor, Cordell Hull Building
426 5th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37247-0701
The State of Tennessee recognizes courses with CECBEMS / CAPCE approval. EMT-Bs may complete up to 10 hours of continuing education and EMT-Ps may complete up to 15 hours of continuing education. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
Department of State Health Services
Bureau of Emergency Management EMS
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, Texas 78714-9347
Texas accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program and CE Solutions is a Texas Department of State Health Services Approved On-Line CE provider (#101129). You may obtain your continuing education and recertify using CE Solutions.
Texas Firefighters are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education every year to renew all of their certificates. (If you have a Hazmat Technician certificate, you must complete an additional 10 hours, for a total of 30 hours.) You may contact the TCFP at 512-936-3838 for additional information.
There are two types of continuing education individual TCFP certificate holders can document, either Level 1, Level 2 or a combination of the two. “Level 1” is training that repeats course material from any basic curriculum in which you hold your certification. “Level 2” is training to develop new fire service-related skills or college courses in fire science.
Bureau of EMS
PO Box 142004
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions with your training officer’s approval.
- An EMT-B must complete 98 CE hours through any methodology, but 30 of the CE hours must be practical hands-on training. All CE must be related to the required skills and knowledge of an EMT-B.
- An EMT-I must complete 108 CE hours through any methodology, but 35 of the CE hours must be practical hands-on training. All CE must be related to the required skills and knowledge of an EMT-I.
- A Paramedic must complete 128 CE hours through any methodology, but 42 of the CE hours must be practical hands-on training. All CE must be related to the required skills and knowledge of a Paramedic.
Vermont Dept. of Health-EMS
PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
The State of Vermont follows the guidelines of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Please read the National Registry information above.
Office of EMS
1538 East Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228
Virginia does not accept CE Solutions continuing education at the present time.
Washington State Dept of Health
Office of Emergency Medical & Trauma Prevention
PO Box 47853
Olympia, WA 98504-7853
You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions with your medical director’s approval.
West Virginia
Office of EMS
Bureau of Public Health
1411 Virginia Street East
Charleston, WV 25301
West Virginia requires that all correspondence continuing education be approved by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS / CAPCE). If the certificate of completion does not state that the offering is approved by CECBEMS / CAPCE, then it is not acceptable for certification renewal. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
Bureau of Local Health Support and EMS
1 W. Wilson St.
Madison, WI 53701
(608) 267-7121
Wisconsin accepts continuing education approved by your medical director or CECBEMS / CAPCE accredited courses. You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions with your medical director’s approval. Presently, CE Solutions offers exclusively State Accredited, non-CECBEMS / CAPCE courses.
Dept. of Health – EMS Office
Room 526, Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Wyoming accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. You may obtain 10 hours of your continuing education from CE Solutions.
British Columbia
Ministry of Health
EMA Licensing Branch
PO Box 9625 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9P1
British Columbia accepts CE Solutions’ continuing education program. You may obtain your continuing education from CE Solutions.